Every now and again, I’ll reach for a classic game fix, so I keep devices like my iPAQ around just for these kinds of activities. I recently reached a score of 1840 on the Standard mode of Bubble Breaker. I was so impressed that I did some searching to see where that score ranked in comparison to other bubble popping boneheads. I was surprised to see so many claims to scores well over 2000, but no actual print screens to prove they had done it (or to narrow the window of speculation). I, on the other hand, purposely took screenshots with my phone to dismiss the doubts, add credence and a bit of color at the same time.
For those that claim to have scored well over 2000 in the Standard mode of Bubble Breaker (11 columns by 12 rows), please be so kind as to post a response with screenshot of the progress so the readers can trust the source. For now, until those posts with screenshots show up, readers can reference this post as a legitimate benchmark.
Incredible start:
Step 2 – Could it be that I have a chance to break them all? (sorry for the blur)
Step 3 – Yes, I can see the end clearly now!
Final Step – +100 for breaking 100% – Oh yeah!
So, think you can do better? Or have done better? Prove it – post a reply with similar screenshots. Have a good one!
UPDATE – a ‘few’ games later….. I thought I’d post a couple of interesting shots.
On the 2000th game, a score of 1000…. kinda rare….
A nice block worth 1332. Unfortunately not a record, but not too shabby 🙂
UPDATE – 8/3/14 – New Record!!!!
You’ll start some games knowing you have a better chance than most to get over 1000 points…….. This was one of those games, but I didn’t realize how perfectly it would align!

1928! Yes, I’d say I’ve played that game a few too many times…. Wouldn’t you? But, that topic is for another article…