I’ve you’ve purchased every character in Temple Run 2, you’ll know there is no “ability” differences between the characters (If Imangi is reading carefully, they will find a subtle hint for a wish list item there…….) until now.
With the introduction of the Usain Bolt brings the introduction of the new “Bolt” ability -which can only be used by the Usain Bolt character. Thus the reason for many gamers, including me, to justify purchasing the Usain Bolt character. Again, if Imangi is reading this, they should have several new ideas on how to increase the “in-app purchase conversion rate” by expanding on this feature release.
Once purchased, gamers will find Usain’s Bolt ability, when activated, allows the character to utilize two powerup capabilities at the same time – BOOST and COIN MAGNET. Thus allowing the Usain Bolt character to collect more coins throughout the game than any other character.
Since I’ve been playing Temple Run 2 on an iPhone 4 with iOS7, I chronically experience lag death, so I have yet to beat my own high score – mainly based on the principle: I refuse to used a Save Me resulting from a Lag Death. But once my iPhone 5s arrives, I’m sure I’ll crush my high score.
Here are the screenshots of Usain Bolt’s maxed out ability and Boost/Magnet action:

Let me know what you’ve found – and your high score w/ Usain Bolt!